The CE marked Rapid MiniLab is fully automatic with all processes carried out onboard by the MiniLab’s patented miniature robotic...
Rapid Diagnostics ML Limited have developed a saliva sample Real-Time PCR Point of Care test for the accurate detection of COVID-1
Rapid Diagnostics ML Limited have developed a saliva sample Real-Time PCR Point of Care test for the accurate detection of...
Rapid Diagnostics Resurrects Multiplex MiniLab Platform, Targets TB POC Test
LEO O’CONNOR DECEMBER 18, 2019 NEW YORK – After years developing technology to do multiplex testing for infectious diseases, Enigma Diagnostics...

Regulatory Approval
The MiniLab and the Respiratory Assay (ML Influenza A/B RSV test, part ML-CA-0001) received the EC Declaration of Conformity in July 2016

American Society for Microbiology
Journal of Clinical Microbiology. January 2016 Volume 54 Number 1
(Available for Download)